Strength Training + Nutrition Coaching, Simplified.

金棒 - Kanabō - literally "metal stick" or "metal club"

The kanabō is a two handed metal club used by oni in Japanese mythology. It represents the straightforward simplicity of brute force.

If you want to improve your life as simply as possible, it probably looks like this:

  1. Move more.

  2. Eat better.

  3. Pick up heavy things and put them back down.

  4. Have fun.

You can dress it up if you want, give it names, build an art around it - and that's great. But you don't need to. You could just grab a big metal stick and start swinging.

Meet Coach Max Steele

I was fortunate enough to know a trainer at a point in my life when I really needed one. After struggling with focus, follow-through, and self-doubt for years, my life was radically transformed by simple (not easy) strength training.

I take fun very seriously, and love working with clients who have either struggled to find exercise enjoyable, or are looking to pick up new skills and step out of routines.

I believe training needs to be hard, but often only hard enough. It is possible to build strength & still regularly leave the gym feeling energized instead of crushed. Your life should expand through fitness & nutrition, not shrink.

 The 3 Pillars

  • 1:1 and 2:1 (Partner) strength training @ our studio in NW Portland OR @ Vive Fitness in Portland's Hollywood District.

  • Science-backed, results-oriented nutrition planning doesn’t have to be alienating or miserable.

    In fact, it shouldn't be.

    We can build realistic nutrition habits so you can stop stressing about food and focus on life's other essentials.

    • 1x Weekly Video/Phone Chat

    • Meal Journaling

    • Habit Building

    • Extra Homework as Needed

  • Play is a need; a crucial building block of any full, healthy life.

    I've played Dungeon & Dragons (and other role-playing games) since I was 12. This life-long hobby informs much of what I do as a trainer & coach.

    You don’t have to play D&D - I still do because I love it and it's improved my life. Play whatever/however you want - but play!

    Mix physical, mental, & social play each week.

    Different ratios will allow for adequate recovery.


    • Playing in a weekly D&D game (mental/social)

    • Going to the climbing gym w/ a partner (physical/social)

    • Learning to juggle (physical/mental)

    Don't treat play as training. Your hobbies are something you're allowed to be "mediocre" at. That's part of the fun. If you're chasing excellence - that's training - and you need a healthy mix of both.

Book an appointment.